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Writer's pictureNell Puetter

Unlocking the Secrets: Programming Your System for Your Ideal Weight Without Diets

We were born with a blueprint for a healthy relationship with food and wellbeing! This is extremely evident in small children: they only eat when they are hungry. They don't crave sugar and are a perfect weight and comfortable in their skin. And this is how you were too! You can access that innate blueprint that we are all born with and re-activate your natural motivation for health & wellbeing.

STOP OVEREATING! Transform your emotional eating habits and install a healthy lifestyle at the deepest level.Say adieu to self-restriction and diets and rewire a healthy relationship with food easily!
An ideal weight without diets!

However, in order to cope with some specific difficulty in life, a part of you developed this destructive emotional eating habit... But this doesn't serve you anymore - there is a way to turn this around without diets, without forcing willpower on yourself, and without counting calories.

By reading this article, you will learn all the things you need to know to begin rewiring your healthy relationship with food and installing healthy lifestyle habits.

You will discover:

  • Why diets don't work

  • Are you eating your emotions

  • What happens when you continue with unhealthy eating habits

  • Good intentions and knowing all about healthy eating is not enough

  • Overeating is a complex issue that involves many psychological aspects

  • Say goodbye to self-restrictions and diets and rewire a healthy relationship with food with ease


Why diets don't work

Do you know that in 97% of cases diets actually don't work in the long term? Diets are completely ineffective because they focus on entirely wrong things! When you follow a particular diet and self-restrict yourself, you deny a part of yourself, opening a door to inner conflicts. Even people following their diet for years end up breaking it.

Years pass by, but people continue to make plans to lose weight, and they struggle without knowing that their focus is on the wrong thing.

You will know that dieting won’t work in the long run if you have ever tried dieting and forcing yourself to follow a particular regime. You may lose weight for a short while but only to put it all back again or maybe even more!

And so one hand, you want to lose weight, but a part of you makes you eat that junk food. It's almost as if an unconscious (automatic) part of you, makes you do it again! And you fight against yourself... The truth is: you can't win the war against yourself! Especially because eating has many hidden emotional drives and involves complex psychological aspects!

“If dieting and forcing yourself to eat less worked, nobody would be overweight!”

If you have ever tried dieting and forcing yourself to follow a particular regime you will know that it doesn’t work—not long term.


Because diets are restricted and tell you what you can't have! ​

Diets, discipline, and self-restrictions are all about suppressing another part of yourself, which is linked to pleasure. When you follow a particular diet and self-restrict yourself, you deny a part of yourself, opening a door to inner conflicts. This leads to inner conflict and makes you associate a dieting regime with pain and discomfort. Going through such inner conflicts can be one of the most overwhelming and frustrating phases of life, which leads to poor performance, worries, delay in achieving goals, dissatisfaction, etc... And nobody wants that!

The research shows that 97% of diets are ineffective...

Why? Because they focus on the wrong thing. It confirms that most of our habits, decisions, and actions are made unconsciously. It is as if there is a part of us making us grab that junk food, do or think something seconds before we even realiz it!

So to gain complete freedom from a destructive relationship with food and your body, you need to rewire at the deeper level, without having to control what’s on your plate.

When you rewire at the deepest level, then you will see food in a new perspective, and you'll make automatically healthy food choices without even thinking about it!

It’s time to reclaim a healthy relationship with the food, which I believe is an innate part of your being!


Are you eating your emotions?

Many people are unaware of the fact that there are so many forms of hunger. First of all, there is real hunger which is nutritional hunger - the one in which we feel that our stomach is empty and we need to nourish it with food.

Then there comes dehydration. It is also a form of hunger. When you are dehydrated, you tend to want to eat. You are looking for hydration through food.

And then, there is emotional hunger, which is linked to pushing away our unwanted feelings. For example, when you eat a bucket of ice cream but you still feel hungry. The reason is that food is worthless in terms of nurturing your body with minerals and vitamins but you eat it to suppress some unwanted emotions.

The reason why we people are addicted to junk food is our feelings. Our stomach region is abuzz with 100 million neurons. It responds to continuous challenges and makes you move forward. It is the center of all emotions and feelings related to fear, anxiety, worry, survival, and satisfaction. That is why, when you are not in a sane mental state, your stomach may get upset and will let you know. Unfortunately, to cope with our unwanted feelings, we push them away by eating them.

So as you see there are different forms of hunger but only one of them means physically needing nourishment. And in this blog post, I will be covering the emotional hunger that results in compulsive eating which is becoming a habit. If you feel that you have difficulty controlling your eating habits, don't worry; we’ve got you covered. There is a way to turn this around.


What happens when you continue with unhealthy eating habits

Unfortunately, the costs of a destructive relationship with food are high...

I worked with so many people who were desperate about their weight, their lives and confidence is compromised, as they feel ashamed by their bodies. For example, a woman having excess weight who said, "I don't have a partner because I hate my body" or a man said, "I don't ask for a promotion because I think people look at me and think I'm weak, because I can't control my weight". These negative thoughts are far from being true! However, going through such inner conflicts can be one of the most overwhelming and frustrating things in life, leading to poor performance, worries, delays in achieving goals, dissatisfaction, etc...

“Don’t dig your grave with your knife and fork” - Old English Proverb

This inner dialogue creates a negative spiral of being stuck, hinders your ability to live a happy life, and may result in low self-esteem, self-doubts, and even be the underlying cause of addictions affecting your relationships and health…


Good intentions are not enough

You probably already know what foods are good for you and which to avoid. And you know all about the theory of metabolism, nutrition, and vitamins and which exercise you shall be doing, when, and how...

However, knowing all and having good intentions is not enough. Our habits, thoughts, and feelings are not things we do consciously, meaning you don't consciously crave unhealthy food, isn't it?

It's almost as if an unconscious (automatic) part of you makes you eat that again, seconds before you realise it!


Overeating is a complex issue that involves many psychological aspects

Overeating has many hidden emotional drives and involves complex psychological aspects! There are many parts of you are involved when it comes to eating habits! As mentioned above our stomach is a home for approximately 100 million neurons and responds to continuous challenges and makes us move forward. It responds to continuous challenges and makes you move forward. It is the center of all emotions and feelings related to fear, anxiety, worry, survival, and satisfaction. And so these feelings are generated in the stomach area, constantly trying to send us some communication signals, but unfortunately, to cope with these unpleasant feelings, we suppress them by the emotional eating response.

There might be some parts of your personality that are well-nourished, and you feel confident about them. It may happen that you are hiding behind the fact that you are overweight yet, there is a part where you could be craving attention. A part of you could be hungry for success, and the other part of you still is missing the joy and purpose of life. And there might be another part of you that is starving for praise and recognition.

And there might be another side of you where you feel empty and devoid of love. So, when we feel empty, the best solution for us is to stuff ourselves with pizza. There is a deep misunderstanding that food may compensate for this emptiness inside. And so if we are hungry for attention but getting that all mixed up thinking that we are hungry for food. That’s because of our emotional powerhouse in the stomach area, I mentioned earlier. Feelings like anxiety, stress, tension, anger, sadness begin in the stomach and push the real feelings down. That is why many people lose the connection with what they feel while eating their stress and tension away. So, when you lack emotional nourishment, you stuff yourself with any food you get hands-on till you feel overly bloated.


How to reprogram your eating habits and rewire for a healthy lifestyle

As we explained in the previous section, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t start with your decision in your head but installed at the unconscious automatic level.

Changing your eating habits with a challenging diet, discipline, and force doesn’t work because these methods are at the conscious level having merely a narrow focus of about 5% of our mental capacity.

To gain complete freedom from a destructive relationship with food and your body, you need to rewire at a deeper level without having to control what is on your plate. When you rewire at the deepest level, you see food from a new perspective!

Being human beings, we are hardwired to avoid defeat, but we are also hardwired to go towards pleasure and away from pain. This situation leads to inner conflict and associates a dieting regime with pain and discomfort. Do you want that? Of course not. Once you’ve had enough of the frustration, you will eventually give up and give in to your cravings! It can be a vicious cycle that is capable of eroding your self-esteem and confidence.

Our relationship with food is based on many hidden emotional drives and involves complex psychological aspects which operate at a deeper level. So, if we become able to tap into that other 95% of our internal resources and make the change at that deep unconscious level, there's no struggle.

It means when you rewire your eating habits at the unconscious level, there is no need to use willpower to try to compel yourself to be the way you want to be. Instead, it can just happen naturally and automatically.

Your unconscious system is working 24/7 for you in the background. It keeps track of twenty million bits of information per second, which includes your breath, blood circulation, nail growth, and everything else. This process happens automatically without your conscious awareness because it is naturally programmed that way.

So, you can let your unconscious mind manage a healthy lifestyle for you without consciously trying to force yourself. Without self-restrictions. Without diets. No more emotional eating. Just an easy congruent healthy lifestyle, intuitive healthy eating habits, and a happy body that you are proud of.

There is an easier way to a healthy lifestyle and your optimal body weight, if you re-activate your innate program, your blueprint for the healthy body you were born with!

Let your unconscious mind manage the healthy lifestyle for you, without consciously trying to force it! Without self-restrictions. Without diets. No more emotional eating.

Imagine a life where you never had to diet and restrict yourself again, because when you install healthy programs running at the unconscious level, then you naturally make healthy food choices, forever!


Say goodbye to self-restrictions and rewire a healthy relationship with food with ease!

What if we told you that there is a fast way to get to the root of your emotional eating issue and change them into the positive, empowering, eating habits and healthy lifestyle you want?

You may think you are here to change one thing, but gaining innate trust in your body will positively impact other areas of your life – from relationships to careers. Because operating from the place of innate calmness, clarity and confidence contribute heavily to your mental and emotional stability. This stability is the foundation of meaningful growth and fulfilling life.

I invite you to re-discover your highly tuned blueprint which is present in everyone and which is the actual key to thrive in this world.

This blueprint is at the unconscious level and in fact, is responsible for 95% of our capacities and many automated processes. It's operating in the background 24/ 7, even when we are asleep.

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